Scaff Strap's

All our products are handmade to order using the finest veg tan leather, quality hardware and crafted with an eye for detail.Bringing you the best,strong but stylish tool belts.

Each piece is Burnished and finished in beeswax keeping your leather supple and waterproof.

Re-treating your leather every six months with a bees wax or dubbing will keep it in top condition.

We aim to bring a better alternative to what's already out there..bringing the best quality products and customer service at competitive prices.

Made by Scaff's for Scaff's

Veg Tan Scaff Straps Leather

Scaff Straps tape holder

Our scaff straps Makita inspired 8m tape holder is wet molded..The 4 mm thick leather is soaked then molded and then dryed for 24 hours,This process makes the leather hard and durable.The flip over strap keeps your tape securly in place

Two inch Belt loop,Wet mold Hard case,Flip over Leather strap,plenty of room for your 8m tape! Makes this tape holder a must have!

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